Is Monitoring Your Child’s Phone Legal? Know the Ethical Aspects

Is Monitoring Your Child’s Phone Legal? Know the Ethical Aspects

Every parent struggles with the very question “Is it legal to monitor my child’s phone?”

The clear answer to that is; YES!!!

Parents have the right to monitor their children’s phones, read their messages, and even track their location.

We know some of you might not agree with what we have just mentioned. But let us tell you that parents are the legal guardians of children until they reach adulthood. And it is a law that gives parents the power to supervise their kids as they want.

However, there are certain rules we need to follow when it comes to monitoring someone, even your child.

Here, we will discuss some legal and ethical aspects of monitoring children’s phones.

Let’s get started.

Is It Legal to Monitor Your Child’s Phone?

Parents are responsible for the well-being of their children, they are the legal guardians of their kids. According to American Law, it is permissible to monitor minor kids’ digital devices to save them from online harms.

Kids are not safe in the online world. Just like parents don’t allow minors to go alone in the park, the internet should not be surfed alone. Supervision of digital devices is necessary, and parents should not take it as an option. Why? This is because 6 out of 10 children are exposed to potential online dangers.

Parents are allowed to monitor their teens with their permission. There is no harm in monitoring adult kids too, as long as they agree on your monitoring terms.

However, phone monitoring is considered an unethical activity; people might come up with several reasons to justify it as a notorious activity. Before we make a judgment, it is important to clear some clouds regarding ethical and unethical monitoring.

To clarify, here are some illegal forms of phone tracking that made parental monitoring a suspicious activity.

  • Spying – When you spy on someone, it means you are keeping your eyes on their public and private routine without their acknowledgment. Spying is an illegal activity and is prohibited around the globe. Only law enforcement agencies can spy on their suspects, no one else has the right or authority.
  • Invading – Everyone has the right to privacy, and invading someone’s privacy means that you are forcefully recording or keeping things that you shouldn’t. It is a serious criminal offense.
  • Stalking – It is just like spying where you stalk someone either online or follow them wherever they go. Well, stalking is also not allowed and if caught the stalker can face serious consequences.

The above-mentioned terms are surely illegal because of one reason; the target person has no idea of being monitored.

That’s why when monitoring kids’ or anyone’s Android phones, we suggest you acknowledge the person you’re about to monitor. That’s called the ethics of monitoring.

Let’s further explain ethical phone monitoring so you can get more details on the idea of it.

Ethical Ways to Monitor Your Child’s Phone

According to an article published in Forbes, the best and most appropriate age to give your child a smartphone is 10. It means most parents are handing over a personal phone to their children before teenage.

Well, if you too have given your child their smartphone or tablet, it is better to monitor their digital actions.

Here are some ethical ways to monitor your child’s phone.

Method 1: Monitor Your Child’s Phone Physically

Monitoring your child’s Android phone physically can be a complicated task. Kids, especially teens, do not like parents snooping into their personal space. The only way to monitor their cell phone is to ask them to submit their devices to you. For that, parents can set a one-hour device-free time in their daily routine in which they can check the phone activities of their children.

Although it is a practical way to check someone’s phone, you can only monitor activities that the target person wants you to monitor.

Yes, your child may delete photos, text messages, and even call history that may put them at risk.

Don’t worry.

If you are in such a situation, the second method is for you!

Method 2: Monitor Your Child’s Phone Digitally

Diamond cuts diamond. You must be familiar with this idiom; it means only two equal forces can conquer and challenge each other.

In the digital world, technology beats technology. If you want to monitor a digital device, you need a digital tool. Android monitoring apps are a great example here. If you want to bypass the security system of an Android phone to monitor it, you’ll need an Android tracking app.

Let’s cut to the chase. Android monitoring app usage is the most effective method to monitor kids’ phones digitally.

Using an Android monitoring app is simple, but the challenge is to pick the right app for that. We suggest you try NexaSpy; it’s secure, authentic, and has many high-end features.

Here is how you can monitor your child’s phone secretly;

  1. Get NexaSpy

Go to the official website of the NexaSpy app, click on Sign Up, create your account, and get a subscription.

  1. Install NexaSpy

Pick your child’s phone and install the app following the provided instructions. Make sure you have a stable internet connection while installing NexaSpy.

  1. Monitor with NexaSpy

Log in to your account using your device. You will be directed to the NexaSpy dashboard. From the dashboard, you can monitor every tap and scroll your target user made while using their cell phone.

Isn’t it amazing how a mobile app can help you save your loved ones from cyber threats?

Trust us, monitoring your child’s phone is legal and very important in today’s fast-growing era. Indeed, we can’t take phones from kids, but we can take a better approach to ensuring their safety; and that is using a phone monitoring app.


Parents are overprotective when it comes to the safety of their children. The digital world has so many dangers hidden in it that can destroy young minds and well-being. The only way to secure kids from online harms is monitoring their digital space; making sure no threat is hovering around them.

As for the ethical and unethical debate, let’s just agree to the fact that kids can’t defend themselves. That’s why parents are entitled as their guardians. As long as a parent is monitoring the Android phones of their kids, it is surely ethical and legal. What do you think?


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